Tuesday, July 21, 2009

studio j

My great and talented sister-in-law, Jen (of Studio J Photography) took these family pictures of us. She is amazing! We now have family pictures in our home! Thanks, Jen!

Saturday, July 11, 2009

sunny days

In May, Anna and I were lucky enough to go to St. George to spend a week with my sister, Lindsay, and her kiddies, Drew and Dawson. We had so much fun hanging out, laughing, swimming, and eating. The kids loved playing together, and I loved having the time to catch up with my awesome little sister. She is the bomb! :)

Here is a music video I made in iMovie of the "Sunny Days" highlights. Enjoy!

Sunny Days from Travis Foxley on Vimeo.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

favorite things

Travis made this cute movie of Anna and her favorite things. We chose this song because every time Anna hears the Lagoon ads (featuring the song "You're So Good For Me" by Sonnett) she gets super excited and starts friendly-yelling lots (where she yells REALLY loud in short repeated spurts, but she is not mad—hmmm—actually, very similar to her behavior in sacrament meeting—which is why we spend most of the time in the hall). Anyway, she loves it. I do too. Enjoy the movie!

Anna's Favorite Things from Travis Foxley on Vimeo.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

a little fishy

We have always called Anna our little monkey, but I think we need to rethink that nickname due to recent events. We just finished mom & tot swimming lessons, and we both had a ball. Anna is now our little fishy! She LOVES the water like nobody's business. Anna loves to go underwater, bob up and down, "jump" into the water, and, boy, does she love to splash! Needless to say, there was always quite a bit of distance between Anna (the splasher) and I (the splashee) and the other moms and tots. I don't blame them one bit! :)