Sunday, March 22, 2009

catch up

Hopefully after reading this post there will be increased understanding and forgiveness for my terrible blogging habits (or lack thereof). Let me just play a little bit of catch up for you on Anna's exciting life. (Keep in mind that Anna just turned seven months on March 4th.)


• Sitting up by herself

• Crawling (3-9-09-ish)

• Pulling self up on things (3-16-09)

• Clapping—she claps after she does ANYTHING! (3-16-09-ish)

• Started "kissing" (Mid-March)

• Cruising—walks around while holding onto stuff (3-17-09)

• And this weekend she pulled herself up to standing, and then let go, and held it for about three seconds!

Slow down, girl! I don't have time to adjust to one thing before she is a pro at the next! I am really
needing to watch her close! She is so curious about everything! She watches everything around her like a hawk. She is pretty tricky, too. She all of a sudden started loving her binki (she despised it for the first six months of life), but most of the time she puts it in up-side-down. She doesn't seem to mind though. She also started doing these weird headstand things. I will try to post a video of it later.

I'd like to say that I am going to be better about blogging, but tomorrow she will probably start walking and be running around by Friday. :) Crazy girl! Things seem to change so fast that everyday I am re-figuring out how to fit it all in. Thanks for being patient! Enjoy the pics!


Lori said...

Very cute and smart Anna!

travdean said...

Anna is a trickster. It is fun to watch her progress. I love how curious she is.

trent said...

I love the woman of change. Not time for SLOW speed, she has obviously kicked it into high gear.

Well done Mommy Niff. I am sure that she is keeping you MORE than busy these days.


Michelle said...

I love upside down binky.